Triangle Luxury launches $700m rental marketplace
Thursday, 14 July 2022 by Ruth Harley
Paul Stevens, Reading Time: 4 minutes Switzerland: ShortTermRentalz spoke to Smiling House Luxury CMO Moriya Rockman about the luxury vacation rental segment, the challenges involved with operating a global property portfolio and length of stay trends in the space. Please introduce yourself. Who is Smiling House and what is your role in the business?
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The 3 pillars of a successful luxury vacation rental marketing strategy
Monday, 25 April 2022 by Tal Arnon
Booking trends show that there has never been a better time to be in the luxury vacation rental business. In the past year, demand has increased dramatically. High-net-worth individuals who were already earning more, spending more and travelling more than the average person before the pandemic have piled up extra savings and are increasingly choosing
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ESCAPINATIONS: The Rising Travel Trend for 2022
Wednesday, 19 January 2022 by Evelyn
The world is a kaleidoscope of colours. Some may argue that it got stripped back of its brightness a couple of years ago. But for those who continued to travel and explore, every natural landscape and destination has remained a beacon of hope and positivity. Looking back at the last two years, it is no
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